VersaBank knows the importance of keeping your personal information confidential. We have developed a Privacy Code that describes the principles the Bank will adhere to in order to protect the privacy of your personal information. Our Privacy Code is based on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), the Canadian Bankers Association Model Privacy Code and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information.
Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual. It includes not only such things as your age and gender, but also your personal financial records and identification numbers, such as your social insurance number. Personal information does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization, nor publicly available information, as defined in PIPEDA. While the Privacy Code does not apply to information about business customers carrying on business as corporations, partnerships or in other forms of association, the Bank protects the confidentiality of such information in accordance with the Bank’s policies and the law. The Privacy Code does apply to information about business customers carrying on business as sole proprietors.
Personal information is collected from you only when it is needed; for example, to identify you, understand your financial needs, determine your credit worthiness, determine which of our past and future products and services are suitable for you, provide ongoing services, and to meet legal requirements. Also, having this information protects you and us from error and fraud. Your social insurance number is required for products which earn investment income, in order to comply with the Canada Revenue Agency’s reporting requirements. It is optional for other purposes. If you provide your SIN, we may use it for administrative purposes or to obtain information from credit bureaus. We will not sell any of your personal information to others.
The Bank is committed to adhering to the following principles of privacy.
140 Fullarton Street, Suite 2002 London, Ontario
09:00 AM - 22:00 PM